Friday, June 21, 2013

Check Out the Latest Posts From the HubSpot Marketing Blog


























HubSpot Inbound Marketing Blog

One Entrepreneur Explains What It's REALLY Like to Own a Small Business

By Corey Eridon, June 21, 2013, 2 p.m.


Small business ownership is no cakewalk. 

Just ask Eric Dosal. He's the co-founder of BrightGauge, a data analytics and reporting platform, as well as a HubSpot customer. And in honor of National Small Business Week, we sat down to talk about what it's really like to own a business. Here's what he had to say.

The Simple Cure for Google Algorithm Update Anxiety

By Chad Pollitt, June 21, 2013, 8 a.m.

anxietyGoogle Algorithm Update Anxiety (GAUA) is a serious disorder that afflicts many marketers around the world. The condition was first discovered by scientists in April of 2003 when Google released its Cassandra algorithm update. Since then, the GAUA disorder has become a pandemic.

What You Need to Know This Morning: June 21, 2013

By Dan Lyons, June 21, 2013, 6 a.m.

supermoonHappy Friday, marketers, and welcome to the longest day of the year! Here's a bit of trivia. For reasons we can't explain (science is hard!), if you live in certain parts of the western United States, then for you, the solstice actually began late last night, on June 20, according to the Huffington Post. Something to do with the earth's axis.

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