Thursday, August 15, 2013

Check Out the Latest Posts From the HubSpot Marketing Blog













HubSpot Inbound Marketing Blog Masthead

Hi there,

Just sending over your daily roundup of the latest and greatest from HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Blog. We hope something tickles your fancy!

What Is a Call-to-Action? [FAQs]

By Ginny Soskey, Aug. 14, 2013, 4 p.m.

call-to-action-example_finalWe've talked a lot about calls-to-action on the blog. How to get people to click on them. How to design them. And even how to make them "smart" so different people viewing your website will see different calls-to-action.

The Shelf Life of Your Facebook Posts Is Shorter Than You Thought [Data]

By Pamela Vaughan, Aug. 14, 2013, 2 p.m.

facebook-logo-in-sandDo you know the shelf life of your Facebook posts? It might just be shorter than you think. Okay, admittedly most of us already knew the shelf life was fairly short, right? We've already seen studies from the likes of Edgerank, and Sotrender about this very subject, and they all suggest that most engagement with a Facebook post happens within the first several hours.

How to Nail Down the Perfect Website Navigation

By Meghan Keaney Anderson, Aug. 14, 2013, 10:59 a.m.

It takes up just a few pixels, but your main navigation is arguably the most essential and ever-present aspect of your website. What to include as part of your main navigation can be a hotly contested topic inside your organization, and it could mean the difference between a website conversion and a bounce.

Inspirational Quotes From the Late, Great Steve Jobs [SlideShare]

By Dan Lyons, Aug. 14, 2013, 8 a.m.

Steve_Jobs_QuotesSteve Jobs led an incredible life. He co-founded Apple Computer in 1976. In 1985, the board threw him out of his own company. In 1996, they brought him back to save the place, which was in danger of going out of business. Over the next 15 years, Jobs led the most amazing turnaround in corporate history.

















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